
Rheumatoid arthritis

First in a pipeline of new programmed disease-resolving drugs.

Although physicians and patients have been using “Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs” (DMARDs) for decades, the focus for assessment and management of rheumatoid arthritis has been on the blunt suppression of inflammatory pathways. Despite this, over 40% of patients have an inadequate response to treatment and even more relapse. A new and better understanding of rheumatoid pathology reveals the importance of maintaining repair functionality to improve symptoms, reverse joint damage and restore functionality.

Leramistat is an oral treatment, that selectively modulates inflammation at the tissue level, adapting to stimulus strength. By avoiding outright inhibition of inflammatory cytokine cascades and promoting a pro-repair environment, leramistat provides anti-inflammatory control and allows healing to take place to resolve rheumatoid pathology at its source.

With its unique “pro-repair” mechanism, leramistat offers a new opportunity to transform current therapeutic options for RA. As a single agent it provides relief of symptoms and resolution of pathology and, in combination, could enable other disease-modifying treatments to work better for longer.

Leramistat is currently in clinical development for the treatment of patients with moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis who have not had a satisfactory response to their initial DMARD therapy.

Current Clinical Trials

Disease-resolution is possible

"Our approach operates above inflammatory signalling pathways to provide holistic cellular moderation and resolution of disease states, and creates a new therapeutic life-changing opportunity for patients.

Lisa Patel

Chief Executive Officer

Our innovative drug is the first of its kind to go into clinical trials. We are at the most exciting stage of development, as we build our pipeline and expand the value and application of MBS2320.

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